Why model booking platforms won’t succeed

Stephan Seider
4 min readOct 12, 2020

If you are reading this article, you are most likely familiar with the model industry — please skip the next paragraphs. If not, then I will give you a very simplified insight from an agency’s perspective on how a model gets booked for a photo shooting:

Usually, the agency would receive an email/call from a client with a short brief of the upcoming project. This could be some mood pictures to describe the type of model she is looking for and of course the date, location, budget and intended usage of the material. The agent would send a selection of models, and the client would ask for an “Option” on some of them. Depending on the market and model, the agency needs to call up the model and double-check with her, if she will be available at those days and keen to do the job. If the client decides to book one of those models (she would have sent the casting to other agencies too), usage rights, rates etc. will be set in a contract, and the agent would make sure that the model will be at the job at the given time. Then after the job is done, the accountant of the agency will take over, collect receipts of expenses the model maybe had and invoice the client.

As you can see, this is very straight forward. Not much work for the agent and one would wonder, why this is not automated?! Well, because this scratched only the surface.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying everything should stay how it always was, and technology can not change the way this industry operates.

I would even say that here at FAZE, we automate more than any other model agency. — You are welcome to challenge this statement.

This is why you can not replace model agencies with a platform — Three Examples.

Model development

You need someone that teaches young aspiring models the basics. Things like how to dress for a casting, how to pose in front of the camera or walk on a runway. You can literally see the difference in behaviour and posing of a model that has been a freelancer for too long without the guidance of a professional agent, compared to a model that started already with the right agency.

Models receive many test shooting requests from photographers. But there is a difference between photographer and photographer. And building a portfolio does not mean collecting pictures from random test shooting until you have amount X.

Then from a clients perspective, the model must be ready and experienced enough for certain jobs. If someone pays 5.ooo Euro for a model, this person wants to be sure that she is confident and skilled enough to present the product in the best possible way.

Realizing only afterwards, that the model could not deliver what was expected would be frustrating and maybe expensive. This brings me to the next point.


If something goes wrong, the agency will take responsibility. If the model does not show up or does not look like as expected, it will fall back on the agent. The agent would risk losing a client.

But it goes both ways. For any problem with a client, it will also be the agent's job to solve this problem and support the model.

Like insurance, you dislike paying for it every month. But the day will eventually come when having this insurance pays off.

In a perfect world, model booking could be made via a website, without an agent’s involvement. But in reality, not all clients are saints, and not all models are angels.

And yes, agents are no Mother Theresa either. But it is in our own interest to make clients AND models happy so that everyone continues to work with us.

Organization and Communication

Booking a model is not the same as buying a pair of shoes online. While working with a model, an agent knows the strengths and weaknesses of her models. This can be as simple as to remember the model of upcoming jobs or help with the planning of a trip.

It is an illusion that sending an email notification via a platform will be enough to get in touch with (some) models.

We spent a lot of our time trying to reach our models. Therefore we sometimes need to use all communication channels available except for messenger pigeons.

Disruption is possible

I am absolutely convinced that the way this industry works will change very soon. But I have my doubts it will happen by removing the model agents from the equation.

In the last few years, I talked with different entrepreneurs, which started their own model booking platform, and I didn’t have the feeling so far that they found the secret sauce.

Do you have an idea? Let’s have a conversation!

